Journal title Journal of Economic and Economic Education
Initials JEEE
Abbreviation Journal of Economic and Economic Education
Frequency 2 issues per year (June and December)
DOI Prefix  by
ISSN 3062-9330 (online)
Editor-in-chief Wahyu Mustajab, M.Pd
Publisher CV. Era Digital Nusantara
Citation Scopus | Sinta | Google Scholar | Garuda

Journal of Economic and Economic Education, with registered number ISSN xxxx-xxxx(Print) and ISSN 3062-9330 (Online), is a peer-reviewed journal published biannual (June and December) by Era Digital Nusantara.  Journal of Economic and Economic Education  is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on economic and economic education disciplines. Focusing on economic and economic education disciplines perspective, Journal of Economic and Economic Education provides a platform for the presentation, analysis, and criticism and publishing articles that transcend disciplines and advance the study of economic and economic education disciplines.

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Publication Frequency

Journal of Economic and Economic Education Published biannual (June and December)

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.